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Medical Marijuana Doctors

Information On
Medical Marijuana Doctors

     Medical Marijuana Doctors, for the purpose of this blog, refers to a Medical Doctor who is licensed and practicing in a Medical Marijuana State and practiced in evaluating a patient's condition to determine if the state law will support Medical Marijuana as a legal treatment for that patient.

What is a Medical Marijuana Doctor?

     A Medical Marijuana Doctor is no different than your Primary Care Doctor in education, licensing, certifications, privacy, conduct etc. Don't expect to visit a Medical Marijuana Doctor and just ask for a prescription or referral. If you do not have a legitimate condition that falls within the states Medical Marijuana Laws the Doctor will deny your prescription and you will have lost your money. They must follow strict guidelines and will risk their license and possibly face incarceration for illegally writing prescriptions. 

      Before visiting a Medical Marijuana Doctor it is suggested that you first call the office of your choice to inquire about fees for the visit, if they will submit your paperwork to the state for you and what, if any, fees are involved for having them file on your behalf, verify the state's fee, any previous reports and diagnosis of your conditions and medications you currently take, if they accept credit or debit card payments, and of course to make an appointment. Be sure to take enough money or your payment method with you since payment is due at the time of service. No known insurance yet will cover any of the fees involved with acquiring a Medical Marijuana Prescription.
     If your state is a Medical Marijuana State and a Medical Marijuana Doctor determines that your condition could benefit from Medical Marijuana use, you will receive a referral, or prescription from that Doctor. In most cases you will be able to use this referral or prescription to purchase your Medical Marijuana from a Medical Marijuana Dispensary or Compassion Center.

    After you receive your Medical Marijuana prescription or referral, most states require that you register with the state in order to receive your actual Medical Marijuana Card, License or Certificate. [read more about this on the Medical Marijuana Card page

  Regardless of your viewpoint on the Medical Marijuana issue, we encourage you to leave a comment below in the comment box.

    It is the goal of this blog to publish and respond when appropriate to all viewpoints either pro or con. However we will not publish nor respond to comments that are deemed mean spirited in nature and intent, or those that contain other than cordial or publicly acceptable language.

Home    Medical Marijuana States    Medical Marijuana Uses    Medical Marijuana Doctors    Medical Marijuana Strains    Medical Marijuana Dispensary     Medical Marijuana Card    2012 Candidates & Medical Marijuana   Medical Marijuana Links   More Helpful Resources    

1 comment:

  1. Medical marijuana doctors has been shown to help with anxiety, arthritis, HIV/AIDS, discomfort related to cancer treatment such as fibromyalgia, migraine headaches, chemotherapy and radiation, and many more.

    medical marijuana doctors


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I am a disabled middle age American who suffers with severe back injuries that cause constant pain. I am a Medical Marijuana Patient and a Medical Marijuana Advocate. Although I am constantly stereotyped by those who are misinformed, I am not a POTHEAD nor a PARTIER. I do not abuse my prescription nor do I sell or give medication to others. I simply choose to relieve my pain without more pills, and it works.